Thursday, November 10, 2011


My mom is currently going through my room and destroying it. Moving things. Getting rid of things. Wanna know why? Well, his name is Landon. Albeit, he is the best thing (person) in the entire world, but this is my sttuuuffff. I'm a little sentimental. So I have a lot of things. And they are disappearing before my very eyes. I don't like it.

Back to the reason why. Landon. The butthead (and by butthead, I mean amazing most awesome guy ever) is coming to visit in March, so mom decided that I need to get rid of a lot of things to declutter my room. All past boyfriend stuff was trashed already, but now she's taking away the good stuff. No longer does my huge teddy bear sit in the corner. It looks so sad and lonely without Mr. Bear. Goodbye crap ton of clothing, other stuffed friends, and half the contents of my desk. We aren't even half way through and it looks empty in here. Mom is insisting on moving pictures around, taking some down, putting different ones up, reframing them, blah blah blah. Oh, the things I do for Landon. =P

Speaking of Mr. Wonderful, let me give you all an idea of who this spectacular person is. His name is Landon, obviously. He served his mission in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. He speaks fluent Spanish and it is the most awesome thing ever. Who knew Spanish could sound so hot? ;) hahaha. He's from Washington, but he is currently in South Korea.  He is stationed there. Yes, I said stationed. Landon is Army Infantry. He joined up a few months after he got home from the DR. Before that he mostly climbed mountains. Yes, my man is hardcore.Yes, I said my man:)
This is him, by the way;) He's the one trying (=P) to look hardcore in the sunglasses. haha. But seriously, aren't I lucky? I know. Be jealous. 

I know I haven't blogged in forever. I need to fix that--it's therapeutic. I just wanted to tell everyone that my room is getting naked and my boyfriend is amazing:) That is all. 

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