Thursday, June 16, 2011

For my husband (2)


I have been thinking about you some more lately. You are always on my mind, but it has been more frequent these last few weeks. When I have rough days I wish you were here to put your arms around me. I know that they will soon enough be a safe haven for me. I can't wait for the comfort in knowing that you are with me through everything. 

Sometimes life is funny, and by funny, I mean hard. I know that things aren't just going to automatically become perfect when you come into my life. Like I said in my last letter to you, I know it will be trying at times, but we will overcome all obstacles together. We may change along the way, we may fight, we might grow closer together--but I know that in the end I will always be there for you, just like I have faith that you will be for me. 

I know that right now I am not ready for you. "You're a mountain I can't climb yet." I don't know if I am keeping you waiting--I apologize for that again. I know that I will more fully be able to appreciate everything you are when we are finally together because of the things that are happening in my life. 

I smile to myself as I read this message, checking it for spelling errors and things of that sort, because I wonder if you will ever see these. Will I remember writing them when we are together? Are you reading them soon after they are written? I wonder what you think of these notes. Do you find me odd, or do you understand the small comfort I have in writing you? If you find me odd, it's alright--I am sure it will not be the first or last time. I really do find refuge in these letters to you.

I love you so much:) I have a lot of reasons to, even though we haven't met. I mean them with all of my heart. It would take forever to list them off, there are so many. For now, I will let Avril list some of them for me. Please don't give up on me. 

Your Future Wife.

P.S. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I feel like a major creeper right now. But we talked for like 3 hours one night last month I think and you gave me the link to your blog and at some point I made a bookmark to it and then promptly forgot about it. But then earlier today there were Mormon missionaries at our door and then I saw the bookmark and I felt like I should say hi, and even though I've been to busy and/or self-absorbed to think of you until today I figured there's no harm in saying hi and that I enjoyed talking to you that one time and that we should again at some point. And there's an entirely good chance you totally don't remember me in which case you totally shouldn't feel too obligated to shoot me an email at Ohh and pretty sure I introduced myself as Dylan. Which is my middle name. Just sayin' =)


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