Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thoughts Via Song Lyrics

Alright. Today my thoughts are going to be put down with different lines from songs. I'm too lazy to phrase it myself. Most of these thoughts have nothing to do with each other. :P

"No I ain't got a gun, no I've never really been in a club, still live with my parents but I'm still a thug."

"I'll top the bill, I'll take the kill, I have to find the will to carry on with the show."

"If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it."

"The Devil went down to Georgia, he was lookin for a soul to steal."

"It's too much pain to have to bear to love a man you have to share."

"I'm so glad that I live IN AMERICA."

"The 7 things I hate about you..."

"She thinks we're just fishin.."

"Daddy, love you more."

"Come what may."

"With my freeze ray I will stop the world."

"And you can tell everybody this is your song."

"Desperado...why don't you come to your senses?"

"Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated."

"You are the only exception."

"So tell me what you want from me."

"I'm a wildflower growin in the sunshine, soakin up the way of life I was raised it."

"All at once the world can overwhelm me, there's almost nothin that you could tell me that could ease my mind."

"Even on my weakest days I get a little bit stronger."

"Shawty's like a melody in my head..."

"We're like fire and gasoline, I'm no good for you, you're  no good for me."

"I guess Heaven was needing a hero."
"I'm already there--take a look around."

"Jesus, take the wheel."

"Been far away for far too long."

"And one name read, and nobody really cared...but a pretty little girl with a bow in her hair."

"You and tequila make me crazy."

"Come thou fount of every blessing."

"Barely even friends, then somebody bends unexpectedly."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sacrifice brings forth...?

Sacrifice. It sucks. But it's worth it...right? That's what everyone says anyways. As long as you are making sacrifices for the right reasons, and sacrificing the right things. If it is so worth it, why does it suck so bad? I swear, I'm not trying to be heroic here. Jenna Hunter is probably the only person who even knows what this post is about. But this is not Moulin Rouge! ...or is it? There are so many similarities here, except for the prostitutes, and the dancing, and the creepy duke, and the pimp, and the elephant, and the singing, and....oh, geeze. Okay, so this isn't Moulin Rouge! But there are some crazy similarities in my life that I'm not going to point out, or it would defeat the purpose of those similarities! Confused? Good! You're supposed to be. This is a ranting post. I know what I mean. You don't have to. Jenna does...maybe.

Different note. I am in a relationship, and it's off to a rocky start because people just can't cut us any slack. Oh well. It doesn't really matter what they say anyways. It has nothing to do with them, and I'm so beyond willing to try to explain myself to people. It is what it is. Haha, which is random, but that's okay. It's good random:)

Also, I want a dog. Winston just laughed when I told him that earlier. I don't think he fully appreciates my huge fear of dogs. I am terrified of dogs. I hate dogs. Okay, so I don't hate them. They are pretty cute. From a distance. But I am so NOT a dog person. However, I was playing with Mocho the other day at the petstore, a cute lil' spaniel that I met when he was just a puppy. He is the most precious dog ever and he has gotten a little bigger:) I just love him so much. If I had $1,700 to spend on a dog, I'd buy him. He has me wanting a dog. And as Sarah pointed out, dogs are always excited and happy to see you. Hooray for man's best friend? 

Monday, July 25, 2011


My life is far too complicated.

I am doing my very best to uncomplicate it, and I don't even think uncomplicate is a word. 
Happiness and misery should be separate, not caused by the same thing, right? Or am I just not "man enough" to push through the bad because there is something great? Sometimes I have no idea. I stop and I look around, wondering how on earth I got to where I am now. Not all of it is bad. There are things in my life that I am very grateful for, but there are other things that I don't know how to even begin to deal with. So I close my eyes and try not to think about them, because thinking about them hurts. And thinking about them keeps things complicated.

I often tell myself that there are a lot of things that I shouldn't worry about. I wonder if they are things that I really should worry about, and that I am just ignoring them because I am too weak or too gutless to actually face my problems, even if they are small ones. 

This is what is on my mind today. I guess all I can do is suck it up, pray hard, keep on moving, hope for the best, and breathe deeply (from my abdomen).

Friday, July 22, 2011

For My Husband (3)

You know, love. I've been thinking. 

The guys I know now are REALLY going to make me appreciate how great you are, even more than I already would. Not meaning to harp on my guy friends Ok, so completely harping on my guy friends, I have to say that you had better be nothing like them. Haha, alright, alright. You can be a little like a few of them. 

The ones that make me laugh--you can be like them. I love to smile. You can make me happy like they do. I'll allow it. The ones that make me feel important--you can be like them. I love knowing that I mean something to someone. You can make me feel special like they do. I'll allow it. The ones that respect me--you can be like them. I love to know that I am worth even more than I think I am. You can make me feel like I am worth everything. I'll allow it. The ones that hold the priesthood--you can be like them. I love the spirit that comes with such a great blessing. You can be worthy like they are. I'll allow it. 

I have some great friends that are men, but unfortunately I have yet to find someone that has all of these things that are important to me all rolled into one great package. Does it sound like my expectations are too high? I doubt it's as hard of a job as it sounds. Being worthy of the priesthood is a worthwhile thing to do, regardless of me. Making me laugh and smile is easy--I laugh at pretty much everything. As for making me feel important, if you give me one compliment I'm good for a month. As for being respected, I'll just get back in the kitchen and make you a sandwich. Hehe.

Anywho. Don't do stupid things. No careening off of cliffs or drinking yourself into a coma. I love you, remember? Be good and I'll see you soon.
Your wife,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Jumbled Mess of a Post

My life has been kind of hectic lately, even though it's super boring. :) I don't really do anything at all, and yet I am somehow always kinda too busy to get anything done. That, my friends, is called a lack of motivation to do anything but sit on my butt and watch re-runs of Grey's Anatomy. And I figured I should at least motivate myself to do SOMETHING, even if I am still sitting on my butt while I do it. So that little bit of motivation resulted in this blog post. 

I realize that I haven't been on here in awhile. I guess I just couldn't think of anything worth saying. It's like writing in a journal--it feels pointless if it's always the same thing:
Dear Diary, 
Today I didn't do too much. I went to work for a few hours, 
came home, ate, and slept. Blah blah blah blah
Yeah. Super boring, and so not worth writing about. And that isn't to say that now I have something worth writing about. I don't really. But I have to feel at least semi-productive.

News as of late: 
  • My brother Justin and his girlfriend Ansley are engaged.
  • I am pondering switching majors. Yes. Again. 
  • There really isn't any more news. 
Oh. Well actually, I don't know if I mentioned that my birthday passed. Yeah, June 25th. I'd rant about how I'm getting so old or something like that, but I'm 19. I'm not old. For my birthday I fed a giraffe.

Oh! There is more news. Very recently I underwent a procedure that has been nicknamed the reverse Michael Jackson.

"Dat ghetto booty," as Dave says. 

Speaking of Dave--I cut my hair. And he really likes this dress. So. There. Behold the dress of wonder...and short hair.

And last things last, I have to address the Casey Anthony trial. I only have one thing to say about that.
Too soon? I think not.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I took a vacation. It was nice. Then I came home. Now I am listening to this song on repeat. 

That is all for today.

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