Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sacrifice brings forth...?

Sacrifice. It sucks. But it's worth it...right? That's what everyone says anyways. As long as you are making sacrifices for the right reasons, and sacrificing the right things. If it is so worth it, why does it suck so bad? I swear, I'm not trying to be heroic here. Jenna Hunter is probably the only person who even knows what this post is about. But this is not Moulin Rouge! ...or is it? There are so many similarities here, except for the prostitutes, and the dancing, and the creepy duke, and the pimp, and the elephant, and the singing, and....oh, geeze. Okay, so this isn't Moulin Rouge! But there are some crazy similarities in my life that I'm not going to point out, or it would defeat the purpose of those similarities! Confused? Good! You're supposed to be. This is a ranting post. I know what I mean. You don't have to. Jenna does...maybe.

Different note. I am in a relationship, and it's off to a rocky start because people just can't cut us any slack. Oh well. It doesn't really matter what they say anyways. It has nothing to do with them, and I'm so beyond willing to try to explain myself to people. It is what it is. Haha, which is random, but that's okay. It's good random:)

Also, I want a dog. Winston just laughed when I told him that earlier. I don't think he fully appreciates my huge fear of dogs. I am terrified of dogs. I hate dogs. Okay, so I don't hate them. They are pretty cute. From a distance. But I am so NOT a dog person. However, I was playing with Mocho the other day at the petstore, a cute lil' spaniel that I met when he was just a puppy. He is the most precious dog ever and he has gotten a little bigger:) I just love him so much. If I had $1,700 to spend on a dog, I'd buy him. He has me wanting a dog. And as Sarah pointed out, dogs are always excited and happy to see you. Hooray for man's best friend? 

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