Saturday, August 20, 2011


The phrase "try not to make anyone hate themselves and scream at a wall before dinner" makes a lot more sense now. Well. It doesn't make a lot more sense, but I understand why I was told that now. I really understand. Good thing I answered with, "no promises" as a joke, because it should have been my serious answer. I'm not a very nice person. Or happy person, for that matter. Or whatever. I can be really pessimistic. Which works out okay, because you're "always either proven right or pleasantly surprised."

I have also realized that I am a very self-depreciating kind of person. This spouts from several things, I know, but I have been told quite a bit that I don't give myself enough credit. I think I do, but apparently not. I also have a tendency to push people away for "their own good." It goes along with the screaming at the wall thing. Believe me when I say if I ever push you away, I'm doing you a very big favor.

And this has nothing to do with my recent break up. I was just thinking about it for other reasons.

On a different note, I taught some classes for YW today. There is a video about Emma Smith that makes me cry every time. So here it is, for your own tear-jerking displeasure. 

Also random, thank you to my far too patient friends. I don't know how I'd survive without you--seriously.

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