Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Random stuff.

I don't really know what to say. I'm writing a book. I haven't worked on it in awhile. There has been a lot going on. My writing abilities came to a halt after I got back from GA. I was on a roll before I left. Oh well, I have my moments, I guess.

I talked to my friend Jenna the other day. I miss her a ton. Vikash too. And a few other people.

School starts soon. And I had to cough up an extra hundred bucks for a mandatory meal plan. I hate my school. I've got some books to buy for classes too. I'm not buying them on campus--they are like 200 dollars a book. Insane. 

Emily's birthday just passed. She is getting so old. Everyone thinks she is older than I am. I love my sister. She's just so great. And she is absolutely beautiful. It's funny, I feel sometimes like I am living in her shadow. She excels in everything that she does--school, music, acting, art, etc. She's very talented and I'm lucky to have her in my life. 

I know that this post is random and broken up. I am having one of those days. And I'm not really doing anything to make it better. I think I deserve a crappy day every now and then. Is that weird? I dunno. 

I have to admit that despite everything school is still only one reason I want to move back to North Carolina. 

My life is a lot of things right now. I couldn't pin it down to just one adjective. Because they are all polar opposites. I don't even understand how I can feel such different things at once.  I am glad I'm going to Michigan this weekend. I just need to spend some time with my family far away from Alabama. This place really wears on you after awhile.


  1. I stopped by your blog today. I think might have school books. Worth checking out.


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