Saturday, August 6, 2011


There are a few things that make me smile. So I am going to share those. 

One. Kids. Namely, these three:



Those are the 3 cutest babies ever! :) They are my cousins...aren't you jealous?! Good, you should be.

Alright. Two. Tim McGraw. Namely, this song:
It's not my favorite of his, but the song makes me smile:)

Three. This conversation:
Me: Tell me something about yourself that nobody else knows.
Winston: I actually love poetry.
Me: Really?
Winston: No.

Bwahaha. :)) That conversation always makes me laugh. And Winston in general. =P

Four. This video:
It is the dumbest thing ever but it makes me laugh hysterically every time. Thank you Cody Turley! Haha:)

Five. Susan's reactions were the best. So was my best friend Jenna's. Behold. 
Jenna and her blind date. And Susan's bad driving record. Ohh, and we'll throw out my Uncle Chris too and Taylor kicking some guy's dog. 

Black Chelsea.

 How COULDNT it  "mAkE u sMiLe?"

Seven. Mocho Charmander. 
I don't even like dogs. That is a big deal. This dog makes me soooo happy.

Eight. Harry Potter and the things it entails. Like getting into pottermore early. 

Again, be jealous. 

Nine. My friends and family. Durr. 



I know that I don't have pictures up of everyone....Oh well. Deal. =P

Ten. This picture, all it encompasses, and the photographer. 

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