Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A glimpse of home

So today I found a letter I wrote a few months ago to an old friend of mine. I never sent it because it wasn't time to send it yet. But I am sure that it will apply soon enough, and since everything in that letter is still valid, I will send it when the time comes. The reaction to the letter will probably be somewhat different though, I think. 

How was that for vague and ominous? 

On another note, I just returned to Alabama from a trip home (Michigan, for all you folks who don't know me as well as you pretend to). I had a lot of fun with my family, and I miss them already. While I was up there I messed around with my sister's new camera. The aforementioned friend called me a crappy photographer on more than one occasion. He is right, haha, but here are a couple of the pictures I took on the trip just for fun. Please keep in mind that all of these were taken out of a moving vehicle. 

These next few were taken at our little cottage in Michigan...NOT out of a moving vehicle:) I practically grew up at this lake. We have been coming here every summer that we can since I remember.

That's all for today. I've got some more thinking to do.

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