Tuesday, August 16, 2011



And now for everything else. I am really worried about school. I am freaking out, actually. I found out that one of my classes is part online (good thing, too, because I already have assignments due!) AND I found out that my online class (that I knew was online) is a half semester class. Um. What?! That means the same work load in half the amount of time--and it's a pretty good sized work load. I have a term paper due in like 3 weeks. 

I suppose the reason I am stressing so much is because there is so much to do AND I HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN TO CLASS YET!! They start later today and I don't think I can handle this!! I am also taking German, which is going to be freakin hard. 

What did I get myself into??

I can't wait to transfer. I am pinning all of my hopes and dreams on NC State, though I know there is something else that I have to do if I am still thinking about it in a year from now. I plan on doing it from NC if that is the case, though. Which reminds me--if you ask God for an answer, he'll give it to you. I don't mean any of that, "please help me to know" stuff. I mean cut and dry, yes or no, tell me what I'm supposed to be doing kinda talk. I've been doing a lot of that lately. It's really helping me out, since lately I've had no idea what I'm doing anymore.

I had all of these plans that I made that I threw out the door, and even though those are the plans I still want to happen, I feel like it's useless to try to get them back. There are some things only I will ever understand my reasoning for. I don't expect anyone to wait around for me to catch up. That is what cancels out all of my former plans, except NC State, which is still the plan for several reasons, one of which has nothing to do with school.

Buh. I know I am repeatedly vague. It's ok, this stuff shouldn't really matter to most of you. And I just need to get it all out sometimes. 

What a mess. I don't even know how I function most days. 

Oh, yes I do. Shoeboxing. 

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