Thursday, May 26, 2011


I don't know why. But I have become obsessed with the album Safari Disco Club by Yelle. My friend Boomer introduced me to the group, and these songs are sooo catchy. Since I took French, I especially like this group because all of their stuff is in French. It's so much fun to sing. You can't help but moving with the beat of the don't even try! 

I give you....Que veux-tu!

My favorite song from this whole album IS Safari Disco Club, though. =D Check out the awesomeness!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Life is an Adventure in the Making

I love "Live Like You Were Dying." Every time I hear that song it opens up my eyes and makes me think about what I would do if I had no time left on the earth. A lot of it is stuff that I should be doing anyways, but we get so caught up in today--in this moment--that we often forget the things that are really important in life. What are petty arguments and fighting over people you won't end up marrying in the long run? They are completely inconsequential. There are things that are so important in life. If we have that eternal perspective, the small stuff fades and isn't nearly as important. People are important. Loved ones. Treating them right. Spending time with them. Letting them know you love them. 

Tim McGraw makes a lot of good points...but there is something else that this song does to me. It makes me think of all of the things I want to do before I die. There is a huge, generic one on my bucket list. 

I have always wanted to travel. There are soooo many places that I want to go! I want to go everywhere, but I have not the funds, nor the time to do so! I know that there are more important things that exploring the world, but there is so much beauty (both God and man-made) to be seen!

I would love to go on some sort of mission trip in Belize or Guatemala. I would love to go on a Safari in Africa, or tour the Australian Outback. I would love to climb the ancient ruins of Egypt and Mexico, or explore the remains of castles across Scotland and Ireland. I would love to visit Normandy in France, or other WW2 sites all throughout Europe.

My ideal adventures aren't really seeing those dream is to experience them, hands on. I want to zipline through the canopies of Costa Rica, and feel the hot summer air rush across my face. I want to SCUBA with the great white sharks, close enough to touch their fins in the Great Barrier Reef. I want to white water raft the Upper Futaleufu in the Inferno Canyon in Chili. I want to explore the other world that is the Infinite Cave--the Hang Ken in Vietnam. 

I am not a thrill seeker--not by a long shot. You will not catch me jumping out of a plane for the rush, or anything like that. But I am a firm believer that if you go to incredible places, you also have to experience incredible things. You have to get in there and experience all that there is to be experienced. You go somewhere and you live their way, dress their way, eat their don't hole up in a nice hotel or in a nice cruise liner, eat American food that costs $40 a plate, and watch the scenery go by from the safety of your thousand dollar room.

My head and heart practically scream when I realize how many completely amazing things there are to do in this world! There are things more important--an education, etc. So my money is being spent on college. But what I wouldn't give to be able to see the world. Money is a funny thing. But I am determined that one day I will have my adventures. 

THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO! I wanna go to Costa Rica the most.But the Maldives would be nice riiiggghhht..... here

So my dear husband, you better like to do cool things...Also, I might marry Tim McGraw. Hehe, I still love you though! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Aren't you a little old for the ZOO?

So today I woke up and decided that I wanted to feed a giraffe. Not exactly the most normal thought to have in the morning, I know. However, it was a possibility, so I got up, got dressed, and messaged my friend Zach. I managed to convince him (by way of bribery with a camel) to go to the zoo with me, and we were on our way!

We journeyed through North America, Asia, Austraila, and Africa. Apparently Europe and South America have nothing to offer that the zoo is interested in. Hehe. We saw all sorts of things! The animals were all very lively today, which was awesome. Normally when we go it's so hot or so cold that they don't want to move around at all, and they lay in a corner that always seems to be as far from the glass as they can. Today they were all up in our business, as shown by this picture of Zach with our Rhino friend:

That rhino was close enough to touch!!

All of the animals liked posing for the camera today too, which worked out rather nicely for me:) I was excited that they actually did seem to be posing. Especially the elephants and the cheetahs. Take a look at some of the awesome shots these animals let me take--please excuse my crappy photography *skills*:
This snake moved to the position jussttt for me!

This elephant was not walking. He turned our way, they looked back ahead and raised his foot and stood that way for a few seconds, until I could get a decent shot.


Kind of intimidating to see this thing staring at you.

Cute little baby elephant drinking water.


This monkey looked seriously angry that I was taking pictures while it tried to bathe.

This one was almost scary how close it got. Ya know, except for the cage...

Cute little monkey!

I swear this cheetah posed just for me!

I dunno what this is. It's what I like to call a "Cute little Chinese Monkey!"

I keep thinking his eyes are up on those dimples on his forehead, and I keep wondering where his eyeballs went...they are way down by the horn, all beady and small.
The only downsides of today were: The giraffe feeding ended at one, and we got to the giraffes around three. The otter exhibit was being cleaned, so I couldn't feed them either. Zach was disappointed that the camel was gone. Also, this =/:
The lion laying down is the male lion and is currently getting treated for cancer. :(

Poor lion! Super sad stuff! But all of the other animals were healthy--a baby bison was even born the 15th! To make up for the sad stuff, the animals also showed us some love, which I have take the liberty to photoshop and turn into hallmark-y pictures, because I am a girl and that is what we do.

All in all, I would say that today was a success. Not really so much on fulfilling what I woke up wanting to do this morning, but I had a blast with Zach, and we are totally going to be headed back to the Zoo the next chance that we get, hopefully the next time to feed some animals...instead of the animals wanting to feed on Zach!
Careful, Zach. He's got that hungry look in his eye...and he's staring at YOU!
We hit up the giftshop on the way out and goofed around a bit!

FYI, I am a matinee, thank you very much. Zach is a snake.

I don't know about you, but I don't see a difference. =P And yes, I am aware that the nose is on upside down.

 Anyways! Today was lots and lots of fun! And NO. I am not too old to go to the zoo! You can never be too old:)

Monday, May 16, 2011


Alright. I will be the first to jump up and admit (more like DECLARE) that I am a huge LOST fan. I followed the show through every single season and held on to every word. I even rewatched the series in the month before the finale. I love that show. The ending didn't really make sense, yeah, I know. But the show was still awesome. Just to satisfy you though, here are some alternate endings:

Anyways. All of the side stories were outstanding. But everyone knows besides the hottie Sawyer and the druggie, but really sweet, Charlie, the best person in the show was Benjamin Linus. Oh yes. Ben, Ben, Ben. You kept us guessing through the whole show, season after season. None of us could ever figure out whose side you were really one. You weren't supposed to last for more than a few seasons, but you went until the end, because Michael Emerson is absolutely remarkable. And this is probably the best thing ever:

Yeah. That video is pretty much epic, and you know it. =]

Moving on, now that I've gotten out my LOST fix today, I thought I'd just throw out something that I had been thinking about.

Oh wait--that was LOST.

For those of you who know nothing about LOST, I feel bad for here is everything you need to know about LOST, from the first 5 seasons in 8 minutes and 15 seconds..

I am not gonna tell you how it ends if you haven't seen it.  You should watch it. This show is amazing. I may just waste the time to re-watch the seasons. Ahh. LOST. So this is me in a nutshell:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

For my husband..

Sometimes life sucks. I know I am not the only one that has had their moment when they think they are going to end up old and alone. Soution: Be patient. However, that is easier said than done. So until that point, listen to Michael Buble! This song makes me so happy and optimistic!! Also it would be really awesome to be proposed to during a song and a flash mob especially arranged for me. Yeah, that would pretty much be epic. Haha. Of course, whatever way it happens will be special. But a flash mob dance would be amazing...just as an FYI...heehee.


Dear Love of my Life,

I haven't found you yet, but I already know that you are more than I could have ever dreamed of. I haven't even spoken to you--or maybe I have, and I just don't know it--but already you can make me smile. Thoughts of you bring sunshine to my rainy days. It may sound sappy, but I know that I will be so lucky to have you when I do. I promise that I will appreciate you for everything that you are, more than others I've loved in the past. I know that things are difficult sometimes for me now, and maybe for you too, but I know that everything that is happening in our lives has been put there to make us stronger. I am learning, and you are learning so that when we meet we will be ready for the rough times that we have together--because there will always be rough times. I know that I will be able to make it through all of my hardships much easier, knowing that you will be my side all the way through. I will stand by you and encourage you in your life. 

I know that when we meet, I will often say that "I wish I met you sooner," even though I know that when we meet it will be the right time for both of us. I promise you that I am here. I do exist, and I am waiting for you as patiently as I possibly can. I know all of this stuff is on God's time, and not our own. That means that everything will be timed exactly how it needs to be--which is good, because I know I would rush into things if I were given the choice. You might not be ready, or I might not be ready if we could control the time, so I am grateful that God has it all figured out for us.

I often wonder where you are right now. I wonder if you believe what I believe, or if we will come to believe the same things. I wonder what you are doing in your life, and if you are happy. I hope you are happy, but please know that even if things are rough right now, things will always work out. I wonder what kind of man you are now, and I wonder what kind of man you will become. I wonder what things you like and dislike--foods, books, movies. I wonder what you are studying, and what you want to do with the rest of your life. Are you in school? Are you in the military? I wonder if you have a strong testimony, or if that is something that you will develop more in time.

I also dream of our life together. What will it be like? Hard, I'm sure. But our lives will also be full of blessings, both hidden and apparent. I am a girl, so certainly I dream of a temple wedding and already have dreams of ring ceremonies dancing in the back of my head at all times (no pressure. heehee). Will we have children? Will they look like you, like me, or will we adopt? Where will we live? These are not questions that either of us will immediately know the answers to, and I so look forward to finding the answers together with you and the Lord.

Love, I know that you are the one I am supposed to be with, and I want to be together for all of eternity. I want our lives here to be full of joy, and I will do my best to make you smile, for I know already that you will make me happier than I have ever been before. I will always listen when you speak, ache when you ache, rejoice when you rejoice, and ease your fears. You are the other part of me. God made us for each other, and I am so glad that he did. 

So I don't know if we haven't met because you aren't ready; If you aren't, that is perfectly fine. I know that you are coming as quickly as you possibly can. Maybe we both aren't ready. Or maybe it's just me that is not ready for you yet. If that is the case then, Love, thank you for waiting for me. I promise that you won't regret it.

Your Future Wife.

P.s. I really can't wait.
I love you.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Heart and Mind

Do you sometimes wonder why you put yourself through the things that you put yourself through--all in the name of love, or whatever you want to call it?

"I want them to be happy" as an excuse for letting them go, or "we're just friends" as an excuse for fear of commitment. Being unselfish when we want so much to be selfish. Encouraging them to do what will make them happy, even if it makes us miserable. Why? Then things go on with no one knowing the truth of anyone's feelings. If you tell someone to date someone else, that's kind of a signal telling them that you aren't interested. But if they are talking to you about someone else in the first place, that's a signal that they aren't interested--right? 

What about having someone who has always been your friend and looking up one day and realizing that you love them, and you don't know when, where, why, or how it happened. It just did. We walk into the same room, like we do every day, only this time, our hearts skip a beat. We look at them and suddenly see something that we didn't see the day before. Is it because we know them, and they know us--probably better than anyone else? We know we can trust them?

What about loving someone who doesn't treat you like they should? They say sweet things, and tell us they love us, but other times they boss us around. They make us feel awful and wonderful at the same time--special and insignificant. They are our top priority but we know that in that long list of theirs, we are towards the bottom. Their promises to us don't mean anything to them, and even though they break their promises every time, we continue to believe every last word that they say--hoping that maybe today it will be different...that today they will care enough to follow through.

You ever have something that you need to do, but you can't make yourself do it? Because the heart wants one thing and the mind wants another. Problem is that they need to work together, but it's hard to make them. Why? Because the heart wants what the heart wants. But sometimes we need to just stop trying to make EVERYONE around us happy and take care of ourselves first by doing what is best for us. We all need to make the decisions that will make us happy in the long run...even if it hurts right now.

I know I can't take my own advice. So for now...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Origins of Sweet Cheeks

Today I got a letter from my favorite missionary (Shh! Don't tell the others. hehe) ever:

Vikash has been one of my best friends since I moved to Alabama. He has always been so supportive of me and my goals. He is encouraging and I always have so much fun spending time with him. A few years ago, Vikash and I went on our first date--just as friends. :) It was an adventure! We went to go see Wolverine when it came out in theaters. Vikash immediately learned all about my love for Hugh Jackman, even though seeing his bare butt on the big screen was a little much for me. Haha. After the movie we drove around for a little while. I want to say that was the same night we went to Jade's dance recital, but that may have been the next date. What I DO know is that Jay was sick and we went by their house so V could check on his little brother. He had bronchitis to the extreme. After that we went to Stanhope and I showed him the really awesome murals that the senior art classes had done on the pavement by the front office. We came back to my house, ate crappy tasting pizza, and watched Get Smart (TWO movies in one night!). That was the night Vikash was introduced to sparkling cider aka "Mormon Wine." He loves that stuff:) 

From that point on our friendship has progressed into something that I cherish and hold very dearly. I talk to V about everything, and we used to hang out in our "gang," composed of me, Preston, Vikash, Ryan, Jade, and usually Jay. We had a lot of fun times. :) Vikash always kept us laughing, which brings me to the origins of the nickname Sweet Cheeks. It was Vikash's doing. :) I sat in some bubble gum at a band concert during my junior year. Initially he wanted to call me "Sticky Buns" but I wouldn't let him. So now he calls me Sweet Cheeks. In fact, I know he is dead serious or angry or in a weird mood when he calls me Chelsea, because Sweet Cheeks or just shortened to Cheeks is his name for me.

Vikash left back in June of 2010 to the MTC. He got his mission call and is currently serving in the Kingston Jamaica Mission, along with one of my childhood friends, TJ Luke. I am so proud of him and his decision to serve the Lord and the people of Jamaica. I am always so excited to hear from him every week in his emails, and his letters mean more to me than any gift that could be bought. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mommy

This is my mommy:
My mom is my best friend. She is strong, smart, loving, and makes yummy food (hehe). I love my mom more than anything in the world. She is always there for me when I need her, and even when I say I don't. Her love for my whole family is evident in everything that she does. I am so grateful for her and for all of the things that she does for my and the rest of my family. 

Elder M. Russel Ballard said,  “And so, my dear young women, with all my heart I urge you not to look to contemporary culture for your role models and mentors. Please look to your faithful mothers for a pattern to follow.” I love this quote, and I do. My mom has been, is, and will always be my role model. She is such a special example to me through her testimony and through her boundless love for all those around her. Her hard work for others sets an endless example of service for me, and I respect and love her so much. 

President Ballard also stated, "What can children, even young children, do [to help their mothers]? Now, you children, please listen to me because there are some simple things you can do to help your mother. You can pick up your toys when you are finished playing with them, and when you get a little older, you can make your bed, help with the dishes, and do other chores—without being asked. You can say thank you more often when you finish a nice meal, when a story is read to you at bedtime, or when clean clothes are put in your drawers. Most of all, you can put your arms around your mother often and tell her you love her."

I love my mom so much, and I hope she knows that, but I think we all need to show our appreciation and love for our mothers more than just once a year. I know my mom doesn't stop working--so why stop showing gratitude between Mother's Days? 

I love you, Mommy. Happy Mothers Day. I love you sooo much!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Silver, gold, old, new...these are my friends.

I am one of those people who have been blessed with some of the best friends ever. I have different groups of people that I spend time with--Ansley, Jenna, or Jade. There is one group of friends, though, that has been my solid foundation for the past few months. :) These girls are the best!

Kaeli, Kathleen, and Sarah are the best friends a girl can ask for. It's really crazy because we are all so different, but I think that is why we get along so great. We each bring something into the group that helps each other. We all have something very special to offer. I am so glad that they have accepted me as their friends, even though we aren't the same age. Instead of leaving me out because I'm a teenager, they have included me in all that they do. We have crazy fun times together. I look forward to girls night every time we have it. The only thing that made this group of girls more special was the addition of a new friend--Kami! :) I know we were all glad to have her with us, and we're sad to see her go.

I love my friends and I was just thinking about how awesome they all are, especially my girls. I get all teary eyed when I think about leaving to transfer somewhere else for college, or Kaeli moving away, or Sarah and Kathleen leaving, even if it's only to Montgomery in a different ward. I just love them so much. I know they are some of the best friends I ever could have asked for, and it will be really sad when we go our separate ways. "We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere." --Tim McGraw

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Yes, I know I'm indecisive

 I have probably changed the background of this blog about a million times at this point, and I have come to the conclusion after being repeatedly unsatisfied that the simpler, the least until I become more "blogger savvy." Until that time, what I've got now will have to do. :)

Today was uninteresting for the most part, but I'm expecting this to be the case until exams are finally over. I took two of them today, and I was very sad to say goodbye to a black/German guy who provided quite a lovely view during history class. Of course, I didn't really say goodbye. I hadn't spoken to him all semester...The only thing that I could be said to have done every time he was around was swoon. Seriously, ladies. He was a hunk. Ah....Abschied schön...I was also really sad to say goodbye to Mr. McCoy, my history professor. He was the absolute BEST! I will definitely miss his class.
This has thus proved to be quite an uninteresting blog posting, but after changing things with it all day, I couldn't NOT post this is what you all get. I'll let you know when it gets more interesting...but right now, Criminal Minds is on, will all have to use your imagination and pretend that this is worth reading...oh, and be jealous that you don't get to watch Reid and Morgan in all of their amazingness from the comfort of my couch! Oh well! SUCKS TO BE YOU! =P

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Into the Life of Chelsea

 Here is the time to BRAG. I have been told repeatedly by teachers throughout my high school (and now college) years that I have a talent for writing. What they fail to understand is that even though my brain moves at a billion miles a minute, my thoughts rarely make any sort of logical sense--even to me! I usually find myself writing without any idea of where the story is going...that is a problem. By the time I think of a way to tie all of the craziness together, I am bored with the story. The idea is done and I have new ones, for "bigger better things." ...yeah. I am fully willing and ready to admit that I am scatterbrained.

The reason I am bothering to explain this is because I came up with a not-so-novel concept of not writing the story. No, no. I am going to let the story write me--and what better way to finish a book that to write about my life? I know, I know. SOMEONE is full of herself. Who wants to read about my life? Well I never said you did. But the way I see it, we have enough stories telling us how the world should be with princes in disguise and happily ever afters. We have enough stories telling us how the world was with wars, presidents, and politics. What we don't need are stories that are controversial, psycho-babble bull crap. So I am giving you my own life full of opinionated, woman-ranting semi-truths. Oh wait...that's the same thing, isn't it? Well, better add another one to the pile...not really. I will do my best to keep my personal life as public and opinionated and as crazy as possible while keeping it something a little outside of the ordinary--real. This is my life...all according to Chelsea. Who better for the job?

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