Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Origins of Sweet Cheeks

Today I got a letter from my favorite missionary (Shh! Don't tell the others. hehe) ever:

Vikash has been one of my best friends since I moved to Alabama. He has always been so supportive of me and my goals. He is encouraging and I always have so much fun spending time with him. A few years ago, Vikash and I went on our first date--just as friends. :) It was an adventure! We went to go see Wolverine when it came out in theaters. Vikash immediately learned all about my love for Hugh Jackman, even though seeing his bare butt on the big screen was a little much for me. Haha. After the movie we drove around for a little while. I want to say that was the same night we went to Jade's dance recital, but that may have been the next date. What I DO know is that Jay was sick and we went by their house so V could check on his little brother. He had bronchitis to the extreme. After that we went to Stanhope and I showed him the really awesome murals that the senior art classes had done on the pavement by the front office. We came back to my house, ate crappy tasting pizza, and watched Get Smart (TWO movies in one night!). That was the night Vikash was introduced to sparkling cider aka "Mormon Wine." He loves that stuff:) 

From that point on our friendship has progressed into something that I cherish and hold very dearly. I talk to V about everything, and we used to hang out in our "gang," composed of me, Preston, Vikash, Ryan, Jade, and usually Jay. We had a lot of fun times. :) Vikash always kept us laughing, which brings me to the origins of the nickname Sweet Cheeks. It was Vikash's doing. :) I sat in some bubble gum at a band concert during my junior year. Initially he wanted to call me "Sticky Buns" but I wouldn't let him. So now he calls me Sweet Cheeks. In fact, I know he is dead serious or angry or in a weird mood when he calls me Chelsea, because Sweet Cheeks or just shortened to Cheeks is his name for me.

Vikash left back in June of 2010 to the MTC. He got his mission call and is currently serving in the Kingston Jamaica Mission, along with one of my childhood friends, TJ Luke. I am so proud of him and his decision to serve the Lord and the people of Jamaica. I am always so excited to hear from him every week in his emails, and his letters mean more to me than any gift that could be bought. 

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