Sunday, May 15, 2011

For my husband..

Sometimes life sucks. I know I am not the only one that has had their moment when they think they are going to end up old and alone. Soution: Be patient. However, that is easier said than done. So until that point, listen to Michael Buble! This song makes me so happy and optimistic!! Also it would be really awesome to be proposed to during a song and a flash mob especially arranged for me. Yeah, that would pretty much be epic. Haha. Of course, whatever way it happens will be special. But a flash mob dance would be amazing...just as an FYI...heehee.


Dear Love of my Life,

I haven't found you yet, but I already know that you are more than I could have ever dreamed of. I haven't even spoken to you--or maybe I have, and I just don't know it--but already you can make me smile. Thoughts of you bring sunshine to my rainy days. It may sound sappy, but I know that I will be so lucky to have you when I do. I promise that I will appreciate you for everything that you are, more than others I've loved in the past. I know that things are difficult sometimes for me now, and maybe for you too, but I know that everything that is happening in our lives has been put there to make us stronger. I am learning, and you are learning so that when we meet we will be ready for the rough times that we have together--because there will always be rough times. I know that I will be able to make it through all of my hardships much easier, knowing that you will be my side all the way through. I will stand by you and encourage you in your life. 

I know that when we meet, I will often say that "I wish I met you sooner," even though I know that when we meet it will be the right time for both of us. I promise you that I am here. I do exist, and I am waiting for you as patiently as I possibly can. I know all of this stuff is on God's time, and not our own. That means that everything will be timed exactly how it needs to be--which is good, because I know I would rush into things if I were given the choice. You might not be ready, or I might not be ready if we could control the time, so I am grateful that God has it all figured out for us.

I often wonder where you are right now. I wonder if you believe what I believe, or if we will come to believe the same things. I wonder what you are doing in your life, and if you are happy. I hope you are happy, but please know that even if things are rough right now, things will always work out. I wonder what kind of man you are now, and I wonder what kind of man you will become. I wonder what things you like and dislike--foods, books, movies. I wonder what you are studying, and what you want to do with the rest of your life. Are you in school? Are you in the military? I wonder if you have a strong testimony, or if that is something that you will develop more in time.

I also dream of our life together. What will it be like? Hard, I'm sure. But our lives will also be full of blessings, both hidden and apparent. I am a girl, so certainly I dream of a temple wedding and already have dreams of ring ceremonies dancing in the back of my head at all times (no pressure. heehee). Will we have children? Will they look like you, like me, or will we adopt? Where will we live? These are not questions that either of us will immediately know the answers to, and I so look forward to finding the answers together with you and the Lord.

Love, I know that you are the one I am supposed to be with, and I want to be together for all of eternity. I want our lives here to be full of joy, and I will do my best to make you smile, for I know already that you will make me happier than I have ever been before. I will always listen when you speak, ache when you ache, rejoice when you rejoice, and ease your fears. You are the other part of me. God made us for each other, and I am so glad that he did. 

So I don't know if we haven't met because you aren't ready; If you aren't, that is perfectly fine. I know that you are coming as quickly as you possibly can. Maybe we both aren't ready. Or maybe it's just me that is not ready for you yet. If that is the case then, Love, thank you for waiting for me. I promise that you won't regret it.

Your Future Wife.

P.s. I really can't wait.
I love you.

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