Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Aren't you a little old for the ZOO?

So today I woke up and decided that I wanted to feed a giraffe. Not exactly the most normal thought to have in the morning, I know. However, it was a possibility, so I got up, got dressed, and messaged my friend Zach. I managed to convince him (by way of bribery with a camel) to go to the zoo with me, and we were on our way!

We journeyed through North America, Asia, Austraila, and Africa. Apparently Europe and South America have nothing to offer that the zoo is interested in. Hehe. We saw all sorts of things! The animals were all very lively today, which was awesome. Normally when we go it's so hot or so cold that they don't want to move around at all, and they lay in a corner that always seems to be as far from the glass as they can. Today they were all up in our business, as shown by this picture of Zach with our Rhino friend:

That rhino was close enough to touch!!

All of the animals liked posing for the camera today too, which worked out rather nicely for me:) I was excited that they actually did seem to be posing. Especially the elephants and the cheetahs. Take a look at some of the awesome shots these animals let me take--please excuse my crappy photography *skills*:
This snake moved to the position jussttt for me!

This elephant was not walking. He turned our way, they looked back ahead and raised his foot and stood that way for a few seconds, until I could get a decent shot.


Kind of intimidating to see this thing staring at you.

Cute little baby elephant drinking water.


This monkey looked seriously angry that I was taking pictures while it tried to bathe.

This one was almost scary how close it got. Ya know, except for the cage...

Cute little monkey!

I swear this cheetah posed just for me!

I dunno what this is. It's what I like to call a "Cute little Chinese Monkey!"

I keep thinking his eyes are up on those dimples on his forehead, and I keep wondering where his eyeballs went...they are way down by the horn, all beady and small.
The only downsides of today were: The giraffe feeding ended at one, and we got to the giraffes around three. The otter exhibit was being cleaned, so I couldn't feed them either. Zach was disappointed that the camel was gone. Also, this =/:
The lion laying down is the male lion and is currently getting treated for cancer. :(

Poor lion! Super sad stuff! But all of the other animals were healthy--a baby bison was even born the 15th! To make up for the sad stuff, the animals also showed us some love, which I have take the liberty to photoshop and turn into hallmark-y pictures, because I am a girl and that is what we do.

All in all, I would say that today was a success. Not really so much on fulfilling what I woke up wanting to do this morning, but I had a blast with Zach, and we are totally going to be headed back to the Zoo the next chance that we get, hopefully the next time to feed some animals...instead of the animals wanting to feed on Zach!
Careful, Zach. He's got that hungry look in his eye...and he's staring at YOU!
We hit up the giftshop on the way out and goofed around a bit!

FYI, I am a matinee, thank you very much. Zach is a snake.

I don't know about you, but I don't see a difference. =P And yes, I am aware that the nose is on upside down.

 Anyways! Today was lots and lots of fun! And NO. I am not too old to go to the zoo! You can never be too old:)

1 comment:

  1. I like your zoo write up, and your photos! Good yob!!! :)


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