Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mommy

This is my mommy:
My mom is my best friend. She is strong, smart, loving, and makes yummy food (hehe). I love my mom more than anything in the world. She is always there for me when I need her, and even when I say I don't. Her love for my whole family is evident in everything that she does. I am so grateful for her and for all of the things that she does for my and the rest of my family. 

Elder M. Russel Ballard said,  “And so, my dear young women, with all my heart I urge you not to look to contemporary culture for your role models and mentors. Please look to your faithful mothers for a pattern to follow.” I love this quote, and I do. My mom has been, is, and will always be my role model. She is such a special example to me through her testimony and through her boundless love for all those around her. Her hard work for others sets an endless example of service for me, and I respect and love her so much. 

President Ballard also stated, "What can children, even young children, do [to help their mothers]? Now, you children, please listen to me because there are some simple things you can do to help your mother. You can pick up your toys when you are finished playing with them, and when you get a little older, you can make your bed, help with the dishes, and do other chores—without being asked. You can say thank you more often when you finish a nice meal, when a story is read to you at bedtime, or when clean clothes are put in your drawers. Most of all, you can put your arms around your mother often and tell her you love her."

I love my mom so much, and I hope she knows that, but I think we all need to show our appreciation and love for our mothers more than just once a year. I know my mom doesn't stop working--so why stop showing gratitude between Mother's Days? 

I love you, Mommy. Happy Mothers Day. I love you sooo much!


  1. AWWW, my Pumpykin! You bring tears to my eyes. :) I love you very much, too! I am, for sure, the luckiest Mom in the world--I have the best kids, and I am not sure how I got so blessed! :)You are a wonderful woman, and I am so proud of you---you will be a great Mommy, and some Prince Charming is going to be incredibly blessed to win your heart one day. I hope it isn't too soon, because I sort of like having you around to be my buddy. :) I love you, thank you...thank you for being YOU! :)

    BTW, my food is good, no "hehe" required. :)

    Love, Mommy

  2. Haha, thanks Mom....even though it looks like I posted a comment to myself because you were logged in under my name... :)

  3. You need to print this for me! I am computer illiterate and can't do it. :)


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